Our Values
When SV Partners was established in 2003, it was with a vision to provide expert, focused accounting services to fellow accountants and lawyers, and their clients. SV Partners aims for the continued pursuit of excellence in service delivery and workplace satisfaction.
We deliver superior outcomes while respecting our clients, referrers and colleagues, work collaboratively as a team, and focus on exceptional service delivery. We do this by displaying a commitment to:
![Handshake Two men shaking hands | SV Partners](https://svpartners.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Handshake-1.jpg)
We will conduct ourselves in a way that demonstrates respect for our clients, our referrers and our colleagues.
We will exceed expectations, not just meet them.
![SV Staff Meeting in an office | SV Partners](https://svpartners.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SV-Staff.jpg)
Working together as a team will ensure that we deliver superior outcomes.
Our values of respect, service and teamwork reflect the way we do business with our clients, work with our employees and how we approach the wider community. If you would like more information about how we can assist you, please contact a member of our team.
Our Affiliated Brands
SV Partners have formed a comprehensive suite of services for professionals and their clients throughout various affiliated brands. In addition to our core service offering of insolvency accounting, forensics accounting and turnaround strategy advice, our affiliate businesses are:
Community Support
SV Partners is committed to supporting our community, by making positive contributions through a range of initiatives including sponsorships, fundraising efforts and volunteering.
We have a strong history of working with a variety of charities, including the Cure for Brain Cancer Foundation, Starlight Children’s Foundation, Humpty Dumpty Foundation, Variety Club, Vinnies CEO Sleepout, Movember, MS Sydney to the Gong and Cancer Council Queensland. In addition, we also provide sponsorships to grassroots sporting clubs and support many charities and causes in the communities in which our offices and staff reside. We also support the Chamber of Commerce and local industries.
Our staff donate their personal time to support causes that are important to them personally, as well as making monetary contributions through gold coin donation days and various fundraising efforts.
Mental Health Support
Navigating through times of financial stress can take its toll on anyone involved. It can often lead to feelings of isolation and even depression. It is important to know that there are organisations that devote all of their time to supporting people in this position. Unfortunately, SV Partners are not qualified in this field and are unable to provide personal counselling or mental health advice.
If you are in need of support, there are free support lines available that may be helpful to you.