Mental Health and Community Support
Unfortunately, SV Partners are not qualified in this field and are unable to provide personal counselling or mental health advice. If you are in need of support, there are free support lines available that may be helpful to you. The below is a list of free support lines you can access:
Financial Counselling Australia hotline
Salvation Army Moneycare
Lifeline Crisis Support
Beyond Blue
MensLine Australia
Ask Izzy
The above information does not in any way constitute advice from SV Partners and SV Partners is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained within the sites listed above. We accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to any material contained within the above-listed sites. SV Partners are not affiliated with any of the above parties and are completely independent of the above free services provided to the public. The above information does not constitute an endorsement by SV Partners of their services.
First Nations and CALD Support
SV Partners believes it's imperative to support First Nations and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) people through times of struggle and financials stress. The below is a list of support resources you can access:
Mob Strong Debt Help
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
TIS National Translation Services
The above information does not in any way constitute advice from SV Partners and SV Partners is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained within the sites listed above. We accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to any material contained within the above-listed sites. SV Partners are not affiliated with any of the above parties and are completely independent of the above free services provided to the public. The above information does not constitute an endorsement by SV Partners of their services.
Gambling Support
Gambling Help Online
Relationships Australia Gambling Help Program
The above information does not in any way constitute advice from SV Partners and SV Partners is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained within the sites listed above. We accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to any material contained within the above-listed sites. SV Partners are not affiliated with any of the above parties and are completely independent of the above free services provided to the public. The above information does not constitute an endorsement by SV Partners of their services.