
March 15, 2022

Statement from SV Partners Re: Youpla Group / ACBF Group

11 March 2022

On 11 March 2022, David Stimpson from SV Partners was appointed Liquidator of Aboriginal Community Benefit Fund Pty Ltd, ACBF Funeral Plans Pty Ltd, Community Funeral Plans Pty Ltd, Youpla Administration Pty Ltd and Youpla Pty Ltd (known as Youpla Group/ACBF Group).

Mr Stimpson and Terry Rose from SV Partners have also been appointed as the Voluntary Administrators of Youpla Group Pty Ltd.

Youpla Group/ACBF Group provide funeral related expense benefits Australia wide to approximately 14,000 members. The Liquidator will endeavour to contact all members as soon as possible with details of how the Liquidator intends to deal with the Funds and Members’ claims.

Initial reports to members/creditors will be issued by Friday, 25 March 2022. A meeting of members/creditors will be held by the Liquidators as soon as practically possible, at a date yet to be determined.

The Liquidator will conduct an investigation into the affairs of the Youpla Group/ACBF Group and will be reporting to creditors on the outcome of those investigations.

Members with enquiries should continue to contact Youpla/ACBF on phone number 1800 622 924 or by email at youpla@treasury.gov.au.

SV Partners has also established a dedicated team to attend to enquiries. In this regard, for further information please contact SV Partners office by telephone on (07) 3310 2005 or by local email which can be found on our contact us page.

SV Partners Insolvency (QLD) Pty Ltd ABN 85 123 284 177

22 Market Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 | GPO Box 5300, Brisbane Qld 4001

t 07 3310 2000 f 07 3229 7285 e brisbane@svp.com.au svpartners.com.au

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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