Voidable Recovery Investigations

SV Voidables specialises in identifying and recovering voidable transactions, by using forensic accounting techniques to identify and trace transactions that may be in breach of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth). Acting for many Liquidators and Bankruptcy Trustees nationally, both within and external to SV Partners, we carry out small and large scale investigations across a broad spectrum of industries, availability of evidence and quantum of claims. Our investigation techniques include:

  • Verifying and reviewing information
  • Conducting public information searches
  • Reviewing bank statements and conducting analysis and investigation into the company’s financial statements and reports (for the current and prior years)
  • Analyse available data and make critical distinctions to formulate our recommendations

We work with Liquidators and creditors to put together investigative or due diligence reports, which provide recommendations or opinions on the identification and likely recoverability of potential voidable transaction claims. For more information on how our Voidables team can assist you, please visit our case studies section to view our Voidables experience

How can SV Partners help?

At SV Partners, we provide our clients with an objective and defensible opinion of the value of the entity in question. Our valuations combine expertise with leading valuation and corporate finance knowledge. Please contact a member of our forensic accounting team on 1800 246 801 if you would like more information on how we can assist you with Valuation services.

Are you concerned about your financial position? Contact us now for an obligation free consultation.